Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Trying something new video update


this week has been a really good one, we got transfer calls as well this week i am going to be staying in Stockton for another transfer, but hermana valdespino is transferring which i am really sad about. Me and my new companion are both going to be STL, which should be different. we are in charge of giving training now and going on exchanges with other missionaries. 
last Monday was way cool, we made tie dye shirts with all the sisters in our zone, and all of our shirts turned out really cool. then that night we had a lesson with one of our new friends Vicky she is so cool. she works making movies, she is like the detail person for making movies, and right now she is working on a movie called la expiacion which is atonement in English, so we were like we know a lot about this word and the event that took place, and she is so excited and wants to learn all that she can about the atonement of Jesus Christ. then we had another lesson with a girl name paullet she just moved here, and she is one of the sweetest people i have ever met, she is 14 and is starting high school soon. She reminds me a lot of Fabi the girl we taught in south sac. 
on Tuesday we felt promoted to go visit a friend so went to visit them. so we parked our car and i saw the cutest lil puppy in the world, we get out and the puppy runs to us, so the owner comes and we start talking to him, Jose Daniel. he was so interested by what we had to say about happiness he said that he has been looking for something like this and that he wanted to come to church. we didn't even end up talking to the people we originally planned to see we were just there because we needed to meet him. 
then on Wednesday we served at St. Marys the soup kitchen it was so much fun again i saw a lot of my friends, its staring to become so much more fun because i actually know people now and i remember their names and their life stories. St. Marys is like the highlight of my week i love it. then we had a lesson with manny, things aren't looking to good with his dad saying yes which made us really sad because we he is so read and he wants to be baptized so bad, he has so many reason why he wants to. but it has been the coolest thing ever to see him be able to change and want to be better. then we had another lesson with Vicky, it was an amazing lesson. we taught her so much about the book og Mormon and she was like i know its true, we read so many scripture with her about the atonement and she loved it. then we talked about Joseph smith and who he was and what he suffered and we were like he was a prophet of god and she was pretty much like well duh. it was an amazing lesson. 
then Thursday was one of the best days ever, i just got to walk all around Stockton. first in the morning i got to go with sister Stephens for a minute (i live with her) we just walked around on the bike trail where a lot of homeless people live and we got to talk to a few of them and it was way cool. then we got to go knock doors for a minute which was way fun. theeeeennnnnnn that night we went to the Mexico of Stockton! we went street contacting my favorite thing in the world. 
1. we met a lady named Martha Rosa she was siting outside talking to herself, and we were like we have to talk to her, she was so fun. she was like DOG is GOD spelt  backwards and i was liking in my head like yeah god is like our best friend, then she was like which means he created dogs, she loved dogs she is like that means they are our best friends and they are  equal to us humans, she was very passionate about how dogs should be treated. that is one thing i really respect is homeless people LOOOOVVVVEEEE dogs! then when we were walking away she was like you girls are beautiful go find yourself a good man and we just died laughing it was so funny. 
2. we met DERCE he told us his name like 12 times, he was smoking the smallest joint in the world he was holding it with a paper clip it was so funny. we talked to him about how he could find real lasting happiness not short happiness. he was really in to it. now for the strange things of Stockton. this lady walks up to him and whispers something to him, we thought he was asking for a hit of his joint but then she was like do you have a quarter and he reaches in to his pocket and hands her one and goes its your lucky day. she mumbles something and then walks away. we were both like okayyyyyyyy!
3. then we met our friend Jim, okay back story we are not the smartest and chose not to bring water with us and after walking like non stop for 3 hours you kind get thirsty so we stopped at a place and we got 2 Arizonans and a pack of sour patch kids. we started drinking our Arizonans but we both unspokenly decided we were going to save the sour patch kids. so we walked for like 2 more miles, it was like dusk so we had to go back to our car because scary people start coming out at night. okay so now i see a man and i was like we have to talk to him. we were like how are you doing he said not good. then he told us a big part of his life story. he said him and his sister were arrested for something the didn't do. and she confessed to be guilty and she is not locked up but he said he wasn't guilty and now he is on the street with no family or home. we gave him both of our half drinkin Arizonans, then a book of Mormon we told him how his life would Change if he read this book and followed what it teaches. before we left we were like do you like sour patch kids and he said yes they are my favorite. so we gave them to him he was so happy. when we were walking away he said "go out and find other people and help them like you helped me" it was the happiest thing!
we got to meet a few other and a few different experience down there but it was the coolest thing ever. for hna valdespinos last day we are going back there!
have a happy week looovvvee youuu

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Crazy, fun ,exciting days in Stockton

this week has been a crazy one. here in Stockton we see at lot of strange things every day. We have never gone one day without seeing something really usual, which keeps things fun and exciting. 
on Tuesday we had a miracle lesson. for this lesson we invited a member from the ward we asked him to meet us there at 7. we are at the house of our friends waiting in our car and he calls us at 7 and says he is going to leave soon. so we were like cool and my companion was way tired because were still a little sick. so i was like just lay down and take a little nap until he gets here i will stay up and watch for when they come. i fell asleep before she did (she said she opened her eyes right before she fell asleep and i was already asleep) ooppsss. So we are both sound asleep and our phone starts ringing and it was the elders we answer as we are looking up, and we see our member we invited with his whole family and our friends standing outside and we are like oh no, so we hang up on the elders and run outside and explain to our friends that they are members from our church. our friends ended up being way nice about it they got us all chairs and bought us fruit. then we had an amazing lesson with. and his family really helped with the lesson especially his wife. he told us after he was like i am sorry but i felt like i should bring my family, then his wife was like yeah i didn't want to come. But it was such a blessing that they all came. 
manny, he is our friend that was on date for august 3. well manny is 10 and his parents are no longer together, but they are still legally married, which means he has to ask for permission from his dad to be baptized. He wants to be baptized so bad and he knows so much about the church, he knows that this church is true and he wants to follow the example of Jesus Christ. we are not sure when he is going to be baptized, but last night while we were at mannys house he got out his phone and he called his dad and asked for permission his dad said they would talk to him later.but it was one of the most rewarding experiences seeing manny  gain all the courage he could and tell his dad that this is something he wanted it was so cool. for me this has been a huge blessing to have been able to teach manny because i have seen him become truly converted, i may never see him be baptized but i saw him change and i saw him come to Christ. 
in our ward their is this lady who is about 90 and she and her sister are the only ones who are alive now, her husband and her son died, but she is one of the happiest, mot Christ like people i have met she is so special, every time we go over she tells us how much she loves us, and she tells us stories about her life she is just the sweetest human you will ever meet. 
Love you all ❤️