Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Month 3 almost

on Tuesday we just came home after we did everything for pday and I  painted for a while . it was really fun,I actually really like painting. I painted the front of my book of Mormon. 

on Wednesday we were driving and we waved at this guy and he waved back then he was like do you want some chocolates and we asked do you want a book of Mormon ? 
 he said I don't know so we told him to pull over, so he pulled over and we talked to him about how cool the book of Mormon is and how much it could help him and his family, he was way excited to read it. 
he also told me my Spanish was really good!!

on Thursday we had a lesson with a guy named Leo we think that he has a lot of potential, but its really hard to teach him because he doesn't believe in life after death or anything before that so its kind of hard. he also thinks his only purpose here on earth is to have kids and pay taxes and then die in a hole. but he is very interested in learning more. 

on Friday we had exchange I was with hermana miller a girl I live with. 
it was a lot of fun. we had a bunch of good lesson and taught the most adorable family (who came to church this week) they are going to ask them to be baptized today so hopefully they say yes. 

on Saturday, we saw the cute little man we got snow cones from on Monday and he pushes this cart around and sells food form it. anyway we gave him a book of Mormon and a picture of Jesus, and he had the picture of Jesus hanging in his cart it was the cutest thing ever. he was so sweet and way happy to see us and talk about the book of Mormon.

 a few days before this we met this couple from Russia, they spoke a little English but not that much, but we told them we would bring them a book of Mormon in Russian. so on Saturday we brought it to them and they were so excited. they talked to us for a while about Russia and some of their  life experience it was adorable.
on Saturday we also got transfer calls and I am staying here with hermana cappillo-montes. its really exciting since she is a native speaker I get to learn Spanish so much better and I can hear how things are pronounced. so I am really thankful. also I know all the members here and they are so nice, and I know the area and all the people we are teaching so I am excited. 

on Sunday, we visited this refugee family they were really nice. the church has a program set up for refugees and the president said there are going to be a lot of refugees coming into this area within the next few months. so whenever they move in we get sent  their  address and we get to go meet them and talk to them so i am excited for the opportunity to do that. 

we also had a lesson with flor who was recently baptized she is so cute and she is thankful for the holy ghost every time we talk with her she tells us about new experiences she is having with the holy ghost. it is so cool to see all the blessing she is receiving
Love you all, Hermana Johnson 

Saturday, February 23, 2019

We got a face time call ! You get a email and pictures

this week has been so crazy it has gone by so fast. 
each week here feels like one day it so so crazy how fast time flys here. 
on Tuesday not that much happened. 
we went tracting and we knocked on this really bright yellow house and looking at the house we were like they are going to be so happy and nice. 
so we knocked and asked if he faith in Jesus Christ and he was like I am very much a satanist. and we were like oh okay have a good day. 
BUUUTTT he had a tear drop tattoo which we all know what that means and then he had a red line that went from his chin straight now his whole neck ( so if someone could look that up and see what it means and tell me that would be great because i want to know!!!) but he was nice he told us to stay safe. 
then we also asked someone named solem to pray about being baptized on march 9 so that is way cool.
on Wednesday not that much happened we got to go tracting in the rain which is one of the funnest things ever, it so fun and when you get in the car and your hair is dripping its so cool, its my favorite thing i love it. 
Thursday what a great day. we had a Spanish culture meeting where this man from Columbia came and talked to us about the culture and history of his people . it was way cool and i learned so much. he also runs this business in Columbia where they make bracelets and he gave us each a way cool bracelet.  then we had a lesson with  a recent convert named Salvador. he is so nice he is one of my favorites. but anyway he has a indoor pig!! yeah its so cute and it has blue eyes and its vegan . i got to feed it lettuce and he made us dinner and he made me a really good salad, but the pig kept jumping up on my legs and i would feed it some of my salad it was so cute. then before we were leaving he was like wait and he went and got us these lil bears he got for us and a rose for Valentine’s Day .  we had also told him we were bringing a member with us and he got her one to it was the cutest thing ever. 
on Friday we went to pep boys to get our car fixed for like 4 hours but we stopped and got ice cream so we just sat there and talked to some people there and ate ice cream. Also on this day we were tracting and there was this helicopter fly above us and it was saying something and then we heard what they were saying "we have located the missing child send help" so that was strange and then a few minutes later this cop goes riding by on a bike way fast. 
we had a lesson with flor she was baptized last week and I  love the happiness she now has. 
then Saturday we had a meeting in the morning and the guy brought us mango on a stick they were so good!!! everyone is so nice here and a lot of people in the ward found out i was vegan and they bring me oreos they are all so nice. 
theeeennnn we went tracting again we LOVE tracting and we knock on this one door and the lady was Indian or Hindu were not sure but she wasn't interested in Jesus Christ but then i told her i liked this decoration at her house and i asked her if she made it (she did) and she was like take off your shoes and come in so we took them off and went in. it was like another country it was insane. she said they were about to worship their gods she had like 35 people coming over, and they sing and dance and offer fruits and flowers it was so cool. she showed us the room where everything was going to happen and they had so many flowers and fruit and pictures of their gods. it was one of the coolest things ever it was so amazing. then we were late for dinner so we had to run like more than a half of mile back to our car, it was crazy. 
also we meet a lot of people with dreads and they are automatically my bffs we met this guy and i told him i loved his hair, and then we talked to him about the book of Mormon and gave him one and he was so excited to read it. 
Sunday night i was taking a picture of the sunset and this guy walks by and was like take a picture of me. and we were like hah and then got in the car and then i was like we should actually take a picture with him. and my hermana was like no, so then we started driving , then we saw him again and i was like thats a sign we have to. 
so we got out and were like heyyy were here to take a picture with you. he was way cool and we talked to him about the book of Mormon for like 25 minutes and then we gave him one, and as he was walking he was reading it!! 
thennnnn yesterday. we worked so hard yesterday. we had 45 unplanned contacts on a normal day our goal is 10. we shared the gospel with so many people we knocked on more than 64 doors and talk to more than 60 people it was insane. we also had an amazing lesson, and taught like 5 people at the one house it was so crazy. we also got snow cones from this one guy we got to order in Spanish it was the coolest and the juice was fresh strawberry juice it was so amazing. we learned that hard work pays off!!! 
love you have a great week 

Monday, February 11, 2019

Taco Bell man

this week has been such a great week especially this Saturday it was one of my favorite days as a missionary.
the elders called us the night before and told us not to eat breakfast in the morning because we had a zone conference and the  liahona ward (Tongan Ward) was in charge of the food. so we went to zone conference it was really good, I learned a lot and then after we had lunch. it was unbelievable !! the most food I think i have ever seen in my life. The  missionaries serving there  told us that as they passed around a sign-up for members to help with the missionary luncheon just about everyone in the ward signed up . There were about 10 tables set up and at each table, there was enough food for a least 25 people. they also made us each our own loaf of banana bread, and we got to take home so much food. i took home fruit and it filled up two freezer bags. it was the coolest thing and then they sang to us it Tongan. i felt like we were in Hawaii it was the cutest thing ever. then that night we had a lesson with flor and she kept talking about how excited she was to be getting baptized and to be receiving a best friend the holy ghost. 
then on Wednesday, we had a lesson with someone who was recently baptized but hasn't come to church in a few months, we had the lesson at the park and he brought us snacks it was so cute. and he ended up coming to church this Sunday after our lesson with him. then that night we went to this one street where we have some people who are interested and we got to stop by some of our English speaking friends houses . we can't teach them because they speak English but we just stopped by to see how they were. they are both so nice and they are so happy when we stop by. they are best friends and they live across the street from each and they are some of our favorite people out here. that night was kinda a rough night tracting, people weren't very nice. 
then on Thursday, we did weekly planning. then we had a lesson with a guy named jorje. and we taught him about the plan of salvation. then we taught him how to pray because he didn't know how and he said his first prayer and it was the cutest thing ever. 
then on Friday we did exchanges so my companion was someone who we share the apartment with her name is Hermana singer and she is a  vegan so it's cool to have her in the house and when we go to dinners at members because she eats the same as me and she can't have gluten. we got to meet a ton of people. i also got to leave my mission and go to the Santa Rosa mission for the night because one of their areas is in the other mission. 
then Saturday my favorite day yet. in the morning we got to go hear from an apostle. elder Neil l Andersen and a few other people. i learned so much from them, we also got to shake their hands which were pretty cool! it was an amazing experience. 
then after that, we went tracting for a while, we were driving, and we rolled down our window to this guy and was like hey have you heard of the book of Mormon and he was like no and then we were like to you want to and he said yeah so we were like pullover.so we pulled over into the taco bell parking lot and talked to this guy for like 30 minutes. he was like i thought you guys thought i was cute and wanted to hang out. and we were like nope we are working and we explained to him what we do. and talked to him about how amazing the book of Mormon is and we gave him a copy and he said he would start reading it. we gave him our number and he's been texting us questions .soooo mayybbee he will get baptized one day. 
then that night was flors baptism. it went perfectly she was so excited and everything went well. i had to talk in Spanish in front of 40 people and i wasn't even nervous so life is good. 
i love being a missionary it is for sure the best choice i have ever made. 

anyway, i hope you are having so much fun i love you and miss you. 

February 11-Videos-photos


Tuesday, February 5, 2019

February 4,2019 email

this week went by so fast it is so crazy time isn't a thing on your mission. its crazy to think that i have only been out for 2 months but also at the same time i have been out for 2 months. 
 we live 20 minutes from the church its in a nice area. 
the area that our church is in isnt that nice. 
on Tuesday we met a really cool family they are excited to learn more, we gave them a book of Mormon and they started reading it and want to know more we have a lesson with them this Thursday.. 
then on Wednesday we had a lesson with a man named Francisco he is doing so great we asked him to read the last 2 paragraphs of the introduction for our next visit and he read all the testimonies and everything up to the first chapter, he asked so many good questions and wants to know more we as have another lesson with him and his wife this week. we also taught  him how to pray and it was the cutest thing ever and he said his first prayer with us. also on this day we went tracting to some houses that told us we could come back the night before. so we went back to this one house and a different lady answered and she was so happy to see us we told her all about our church and what we believe and she was telling us that she was so thankful that we stopped by and that she really needed us. we gave her a book of Mormon and she was like i am going to go read it right now, and then we hugged her goodbye and passed her on the English missionaries. 
then we had a way good lesson with some people who have recently started coming back to church after we started meeting with them they are doing so good and they are going to try to go back to the temple soon!
on Thursday one of our progressing friends called us and told us he was moving, he is the one we were going to invite to be baptized this week, so that was really disappointing . we are going to send him to the missionaries in Nebraska. after he called we were both way disappointed and thought that the night was going to be the worst. BUT THEN we knocked on the sweetest mans door, he started talking to us and he was telling us how he just got of prison a few weeks ago and he had been in there for 21 year! which is so crazy he was there 2 years before i was born. but he was so nice and we told him that we knew that he could change through Jesus Christ. we talked about the book of Mormon and how so many people changed in it, we gave him a book of Mormon and he is so excited to learn more. He shook our hands so many times and was like thank you so much for coming over you helped me so much. he was the sweetest and he made our whole night better. it was amazing. then we also met 3 more people who were very interested it was so cool. 
then on Friday we had a lesson with flor who is getting baptized this Saturday, she is so excited. we taught her about tithing and she said she couldn't accept to pay it, which means she couldn't be baptized, so we prayed all week that someone would bear their testimony on tithing this fast Sunday and like 4 people did. after she came up to us and said that she was willing to pay it!!! 
then on this night we got a text about a referral we sent. we found this one girl and we gave her a book of Mormon and bore testimony of how amazing it was and she was way excited and said she would start reading it, we also invited her to attend church. so anyway the English missionaries texted us and said that she wants to be baptized, they still have to teach her all the lessons, but she has starting reading the book of Mormon and she knows it true! 
 nothing to great happened on Saturday we had a 2 lesson with this family and the husband asked us if we smoked weed. and we were like no, and then he looked at me and told me that i look like i did. i thought that once i came on a mission and had a tag that people would stop thinking that but they still do. 
any way this week has been so amazing i love being a missionary so much. everyone has been so nice to us no one has been mean yet. and i love talking to so many new people every day
also this Saturday is flors baptism and also elder Andersen and someone else is coming to talk to us. 
love you and miss have an amazing week 

February 4,2019 Videos and photos