Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Month 3 almost

on Tuesday we just came home after we did everything for pday and I  painted for a while . it was really fun,I actually really like painting. I painted the front of my book of Mormon. 

on Wednesday we were driving and we waved at this guy and he waved back then he was like do you want some chocolates and we asked do you want a book of Mormon ? 
 he said I don't know so we told him to pull over, so he pulled over and we talked to him about how cool the book of Mormon is and how much it could help him and his family, he was way excited to read it. 
he also told me my Spanish was really good!!

on Thursday we had a lesson with a guy named Leo we think that he has a lot of potential, but its really hard to teach him because he doesn't believe in life after death or anything before that so its kind of hard. he also thinks his only purpose here on earth is to have kids and pay taxes and then die in a hole. but he is very interested in learning more. 

on Friday we had exchange I was with hermana miller a girl I live with. 
it was a lot of fun. we had a bunch of good lesson and taught the most adorable family (who came to church this week) they are going to ask them to be baptized today so hopefully they say yes. 

on Saturday, we saw the cute little man we got snow cones from on Monday and he pushes this cart around and sells food form it. anyway we gave him a book of Mormon and a picture of Jesus, and he had the picture of Jesus hanging in his cart it was the cutest thing ever. he was so sweet and way happy to see us and talk about the book of Mormon.

 a few days before this we met this couple from Russia, they spoke a little English but not that much, but we told them we would bring them a book of Mormon in Russian. so on Saturday we brought it to them and they were so excited. they talked to us for a while about Russia and some of their  life experience it was adorable.
on Saturday we also got transfer calls and I am staying here with hermana cappillo-montes. its really exciting since she is a native speaker I get to learn Spanish so much better and I can hear how things are pronounced. so I am really thankful. also I know all the members here and they are so nice, and I know the area and all the people we are teaching so I am excited. 

on Sunday, we visited this refugee family they were really nice. the church has a program set up for refugees and the president said there are going to be a lot of refugees coming into this area within the next few months. so whenever they move in we get sent  their  address and we get to go meet them and talk to them so i am excited for the opportunity to do that. 

we also had a lesson with flor who was recently baptized she is so cute and she is thankful for the holy ghost every time we talk with her she tells us about new experiences she is having with the holy ghost. it is so cool to see all the blessing she is receiving
Love you all, Hermana Johnson 

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