Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Another week

Another week 
on Tuesday i went on splits with a Hermana from another area and a sister from Australia (post mission i am going to Australia and we are going on a surfing, and i am going to teach her what i know, i am way excited and its going to happen!!!) 
they are some of my favorite people they are so cute. and it was way fun. but i had to be in charge of everything calling people, talking to everyone in Spanish but it was good practice. we had 2 lessons and it was all in Spanish .  i am getting so much better at speaking now which is so cool. 
then on Wednesday nothing much happened. 
then on Thursday!!! we drove back to the referral that was way far away. the one place where the guy (leo) got his car stuck in the we see a man walking and its LEO! so we followed him like any normal missionary would and he walked down to this house which ended up being the mom of the referral we got sent! it was crazy!  god is so good!!  it was way cool we got to talk to them for a while, she told us her son lived in town, so we drove to the town. .it is like this old vintage city, with a ton of cute lil old stores right on the river and its spring here so it was way pretty. anyway we see this truck with a bunch of cute lil old men selling oranges, pineapple,coconuts and strawberries. so we went up and talked to them. the man gave us oranges and was so sweet ( he ended up being a member) but his friends were not members so we talked to them for a while and set up another time to talk to them. but we actually found out that the area we were in isn't even in our zone so we cant go back but it was the coolest thing ever. then we went to this member house and she had a super fluffy pet bunny and i got to hold him the whole lesson it was so cute. 
on Friday we had a ton of good contacts and got to teach a bunch of lessons. we had a lesson with a recent convert Salvador and he was telling us how he found out about the church. he said he was in Idaho falls on vacation and he was at a park and he saw the angel Moroni on the top of the temple and he wanted to know what it was, so he found out and was taught and he ended up being baptized exactly one year to the day of seeing the temple.
Saturday we had dinner at a members  house who remembered i was vegan and she made a vegan dinner it was so cute and she was way sweet. 
then we were tracting and met "mother Helen" she was the cutest lil old lady and we got to talk to her for a while she was adorable

 on Sunday we had dinner again at another members house and she made me a special vegan meal which was the best meal i have had on my mission it was SOOOOO good. 
then on Monday night we had 2 way good lessons , for sure the best lessons i have had on my mission. the spirit was so strong and we taught her exactly what she needed she even started crying. 
on Tuesday i went on splits with Hermana miller. 
it was so much fun. we had a bunch of good contacts. we also taught the lessons. we are both new and still kinda of learning Spanish but we were able to teach and they understood everything. it was so cool. 
learning Spanish has been so crazy, i have begun to think in Spanish a lot, its so cool to be able to understand Spanish and to go to doors and talk to people and have them be way surprised that i can understand them and that i can speak Spanish. its also amazing because a lot of people have told me that i don't sound white when i speak Spanish which is the biggest blessing of my life. i am so thankful that i have the gift of tongues and that it is working, i know that if i wasn't a missionary and i didn't have help form god i could not speak Spanish. 
Love you 

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