Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Another best week

It has been the perfect week !!
On Monday we just went exploring all of sac. Got a lil vegan cupcake then we went to the coolest thrift store. 
On Tuesday it was our best day. 
We were doing studies then hna elizondo was like should we go see Fernanda and Maria. I felt like they weren't going to be home but that we should still go so we got up and left. We started walking to their house and we see this man who looks like he is dying. We were like are you okay and he said I think I am have heat stroke. So we went and got him a water from the gas station it was buy 1 get 1 and they are 32oz so a lot of water. So we put 1 in the car and go give him the other. We also asked him if we could do anything else for him and he said no. So we went to go see fernanda and Maria. They weren't home. So we start walking back and we see that he has already drinking all of the water we gave him. So we go to the car and get the other water bottle and go give it to him. Then he starts talking a little and we sit down and talk to him. We talked to him for like an  hour. He had a really hard life. He grew up In jail pretty much he said this was the longest he had been out of jail. His family didn't care about him. His life was so hard. And we just sat and listen and then talked about how God is always there for us and how he cares about us so much. It was my best moment I saw a broken man change right before me  he started to smile. It was a miracle. God had changed him. He thanked us for talking to him and said that he had been walking all night and day, not knowing where to go. He said he had been so angry all day at every one getting mad at every car that passed by. But he said I feel happy now. It was the most amazing experience of my life. One simple act of kindness Turned into a life changing moment for all three of us. 
Later that night we played bigger or better as a zone (all the missionaries in my area) so we chose to share a message about faith and talked about how faith starts so small but then grows bigger and bigger over time. So we started out with a penny and then traded for so many cool things. Ended up with a cute lil hand painted pot  and some way cute clothes. we didn't win, but we won in our minds. Also this night we prayed for a sunset something so small but we knew God cares and guess what he does. We had the most beautiful sunset of our lives it was so Incredible! Then we just drove home listening to our music looking at the most beautiful sunset thinking about how good God had been to us. 
Then on Thursday we zone Conference in Stockton. It was so good. One of the coolest things happened this day. At night we went to go see a less active member, we heard some one out back but the door was blocked kinda by trash can like it was resting against them. So I was like don you think we should go back there and the door open no wind nothing just opens. Then I was like so you think that's a sign we should go in opens even more. God is real!!! It was the coolest moment of my life. So we went and talked to them and had a really good lesson!
Then on Saturday we were out in the morning and we were parked in a parking lot and I see this man walking and I thought we should talk to him. Then I was like no we already have a plan of where we are going the car is on and everything so I drove away. Then we drove by him and I was like we have to talk him then I was still like no then it came again so we went. I hurried and parked in the McDonald's parking lot and the whole time I was praying that we would be able to talk to him. So we get out and I was like we missed. Then I see him turn and start walking toward us. It was such a cool experience. We told him about the plan he has for us and how he is always there  he told us thank you so much and that it was just what he needed  
So many more miracles have happened to many to write life is so good. I have never understood those many scripture that say that they couldn't write everything until now. I have always just thought when reading them that they so could have written more. But now I get it. There is not enough room or time to write down all the many Miracles i have seen on my mission. 

I love you all

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