Thursday, December 27, 2018

Email December 27,2018

this week has been one of the best weeks i have had at the CCM so far. 
my Spanish is getting so much better . me and my companion can teach lessons now with hardly any english. 
My companion and I talk all the time about how real the gift of tongues is . 
on saturday we had a zone class where we acted out the nativity and it was so much fun. 
i love everyone in my district so much they are so much fun. we die laughing at every meal it is so much fun being with them. 
on sunday we had sacrament meeting all together and is was one of the best  sacraments I have ever been to. 
then we watched a broadcast from david a bednar from a few years ago and it was such an amazing talk. he talked about the character of Christ and how we need to come to know of him. and he also said that by the time we were his age we should have 400 copies of the book of mormon. each book of mormon with a  different question. 
then later that same night we had a devotional and we talked about the power of the book of mormon. 
they told us about a experiment they did where the church copied all the pages of the book of mormon and they set out single copies of each page. they then had random people come up and read a single page. the results were so cool. 
it was amazing to see the [power of the holy ghost because some people read the chapters on war but then they got something  so different, the power of the book Mormon is so amazing and i am so excited to go share the book of mormon with so many people. 
Christmas day was so much fun!
 a group of us girls got a ton of stuff together for the hermana form haiti and we also gave her a new suit case.
she is leaving this next week, which is going to be way sad because  she is the sweetest human i have ever met. 
it has been so crazy to get to know her and about the country that she came from . 
At the mtc was the first time she had ever used a machine to wash her clothes and she thought it was the weirdest thing. also when we gave her the gifts she was so happy, she just kept hugging us and saying i love you, it was the sweetest thing ever. 

we then got to watch the broadcast from david a bendar, which was so good it was on receving revelation .
after the broadcast we got to go hit piñatas which was so much fun. 
then we went and did a service project, filling up humanitain boxes 
We all had a great time doing that.
we then had another devotional it was a musical devotional on the birth of Christ . 
this was for sure on of my most favorite christmas.
today was by far the best day i have had here. we got to go to the temple! it was so beautiful, we go to go through a session in spanish and it was such an amazing  experience, we also at the end me and my hermanas all got to go see all the sealing rooms, they were so beautiful, words cant describe how pretty this temple was. we also had to drive kinda far to get to the temple which was so much fun because we got to see the city. 
it was so beautiful but it was so crazy to see how different this country is from america. 
I am so thankful to be here at the mexico ccm . i am learning so much and i cant wait to go to California and teach so many people about their savior Jesus Christ. 

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