Thursday, December 20, 2018

Email - December 13,2018

hola mi famila!
this has been the craziest adventure ever. i am having so much fun.
the plane ride was way good i got my favorite cookies!!! i flew with one other elder he is now im my district i thought i was going to have a hard time eating on my mission but he only eats 5 different foods
 bread, pizza, fruit, peanut butter Sandwiches and milk.
the food is really good, i eat a lot of furit, tons of rice no beans yet bc they have meat in them, they have had some canned kindey beans and garbonzo beans so i eat that i also eat a lot of veggies, i am eating way healthy. I am still vegan, they have the best fruit i have ever had in my life here i eat about 6 bananas a day along with like a whole pineapple it is amazing and it  is all so fresh!!!
I also have all my food we packed just in case . They never even checked anything at the border.
i love my compainon so much, her name is hermana osmond she is so fun and she is also related to the osmond family her grandpa is Alan.  and she is a way good singer so i am now in the choir because she loves singing and we have to do everything together. she is also serving in the same place as me which is really cool

so when i first got here and  for the first week up until yesterday i shared a room with 3 other girls they are so fun they are in my district and we get along so well, they were so much fun and we had an amazing time together. on monday the president of the ccm called me and my companion into his office, he started by saying you guys are going to have to switch rooms and we were kinda sad because we loved the other sisters. but then he said that there was a sister coming from haiti she only speaks french and creole, and he wanted us to room with her. she came with 1 other elder and 2 teachers. she will be serving in haiti
and normally they get sent to the dominican republic but they have stared to send them here so that they can experience something so different. she is one of the most humble people i have ever met. when ever we go anywhere she holds my hand and its the cutest thing ever. she is the sweetest person i have ever met, and she hugs us goodnight and tires to say she loves us.she doesnt speak any english so it is kinda hard, but she tries to talk to us in either french or creeol. she said the prayer last night before we went to bed so that was really cool.
and spainsh is so hard and now i am trying to learn some french so i can talk to her and its all mixing together.
hahah that is so funny!!!!
she came with one suitcase the size of my carry on and it was broken she was showing us her clothes she brought and her mom sewed all of them for her. so she has some but i am going to give her some of mine when she leaves . we are also all going in together to give her christmas presents.
She is amazing and so now i am learning spanish french and creole so that's really fun my brain doesn't really work any more.
i know how to pray in spanish and bear my testimony. i am learning a lot of spanish. on sunday they were announcing who was going to do stuff and they called my name they didn't even ask me, but i had to go up and say the prayer in spanish. also here everyone writes 5 minute talks and they just announce your name in sacrament and then that means you talking.
 i get to go to the temple 2 times while i am here its like an all day thing because it is kinda far. also the driving here is so crazy. there are no lines stoplights,stop signs,nothing you just kinda do what you want. also people just stand in the road selling stuff its so strange.
we are right in the center of mexico city . everyone says it in the ghetto, their are cannons or fireworks that go off every 5 minutes no joke all the time its so crazy and they are so loud. i have only heard a few gun shots so that's good. also the people in the city never sleep, we can hear music all through the night and dogs are always barking it is so crazy.
we live in a little house, the guys live in dormorities, there are 4 beds in each room and we share a bathroom . In our room it’s just the 3 of us .
my favorite thing so far has been being with the girl from haiti she is so amazing , I just love her !!
we also had a devotional with the young women's 2nd Counselor
primary president
and relief society 2nd Counselors
and a area seventy it was a really good one it felt like general conference
i love you guys so much and i miss you a lot.

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