Friday, May 10, 2019

Driving the wrong way on the freeway!!

We were in a car parade this week . We saw a bunch of cars with Mexican flags on them and decided to follow them thinking they were going to a cinco de Mayo party.we that we would crash it thinking there would be a lot of Latinos to teach. Well we finally realized to late that we were in the middle of a car show . The cars with flags were old classic cars. Here we were in our brand new 2019 car. Ha-ha 
And we only saw 2 Latinos the whole time ! 
This week we were also on our way to a lesson we ended up stuck on the freeway for over a hour . Someone was going to jump off the overpass. We finally ended up going the wrong way on the freeway and exiting off the on ramp .eeekkkk!!
Monday we had a lesson with Manuel and 3 members from our branch so their were 6 of us teaching him. 
Hermano Chavez was at the lesson and he had a whole lesson plan with a timeline and scriptures from the bible. It was a way good lesson . 
we answered all of his questions using the bible, which Manuel has a very strong testimony of.
so it was a neat experience. 
on Tuesday we had Zone conference. it was really good, i learned so much. it answered a lot of questions i have had, so that was really cool. every time i have a question and i pray about it, it gets answered so fast and it so wonderful.
 Then we had a lesson with a less active in our branch. We have really been focusing on getting to know all the less actives in our branch and it has been a really good  experience. 
the lesson was really neat, we asked why she joined the church. and she told us about a dream she had, she said that it was kind of like the story in the book of Mormon about the tree of life. she was walking on a path, and she was holding on to the rod as she was walking, and in the dream she heard a voice tell her that she was on the right path and that she need to be baptized. 
she is less active because her husband is of another faith and doesn't really support her, and also she is taking care of her aunt. She has such a strong desire to come back and she knows that this is the true church. 
then we has a lesson with Salvador he is so sweet. we talked about temples and the blessings we receive when we go to the temple. he is going to be moving to LA soon which i am sad about. 
on Wednesday we had exchanges. i was with sister Fausset, we stayed the night at their house, and it was way fun. we had a lesson with a less active in their ward. she was going through a rough time, he cousin just died the day before (her car stalled and she tried to push it and it rolled back on her) so she was really upset. we talked about the plan of salvation and shared scriptures with her, she said that she felt better and could feel peace, she also said that she wanted to start coming back to church. 
it was such a miracle that  we were even able to come and see her we had a lesson planned but they canceled. so we saw that she lived near by so we went to her house to get to know her. it is so amazing to see gods plan he has, for each of us and how perfect it is. it is so crazy to see to that we have a plan and we think we know what we are doing and where we are going but god is like no i need you here, so we follow the spirit and goes where he needs us. 
then we had a lesson with one of the most humble people i have met in my whole life. his name is Karhi, he is going to be baptized next week. he is amazing his faith is so strong and he knows that this church is true. he was telling us how when he was younger he would always tell his parents he wanted to go to heaven and they would get mad at him, but now he knows that he is on the right path and he is doing what god wants him to do. it was so amazing because we asked him to bear his testimony to us, and it was the most pure thing i have ever heard you could just feel how humble he was and how much he loved god it was so wonderful.
 Wednesday was a really strange day. we had like 3 return appointments in the morning but no one was home when we went. then after lunch our friend asked us to come over, so we got on the freeway way to go, and the had the whole freeway was blocked off on both sides. their was a man trying to jump off the over pass. so we sat there for an hour then we just turned around and went off the on ramp. it was so crazy. we also saw this normal car get on the wrong side of the free way a start driving. it was a mess. then that night we went to visit people but nothing really happened. 
then on Friday we had weekly planning, then we did a phone blitz. because the sim card in my phone had like 100000000 contacts of people who are interest so we called like 30 people and so many of them are interested it was way cool and such a miracle. 
on Saturday we went tracting in the morning we met this way nice lady who was very interested. then we met this lady who got hit by a car, and she talked to for like 30 minutes about all her blessing and how much she loved god. then we had a lesson with adi and Jose they are so amazing. then we went to a cinco de mayo party at the perez home, it was so fun they live in wine country and it is so beautiful. after the party we went tracting in out their and it was the most amazing night of my life. every single person we met was soooooo nice to us. we met this one guy who shared a poem he was writing with us. then we met this man named Juan we were walking by his house and i felt like we should knock on it so we did, and he was this old man on the couch talking on the phone and we knocked once and he didn't answer so i was like lets leave he looks like he will be mad anyway, but then i had the feeling to knock again. and i am so thankful we did he was so nice. he was 93!!! but he looked like 70 he was married to his wife for 63 years. he was so nice, he loves god and asked us to come back and teach him more.
then on Sunday we had a lesson with the flores family they moved here from mexico like a year and a half ago. and they were inactive at first but now they are so active again they are so amazing. they have changed so much since they have started coming back to church. they read their scriptures every day as a family and you can feel the spirit right when you walk in the house. they go on walks every night they are always together they are such a close family it is so amazing. 
i love you and miss you i hope you have a good week!!  

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