Thursday, May 23, 2019

I’m going to be a mommy !!

On Tuesday it was way cool, we went to the the post office to mail my package and the postman saw that our tags were in Spanish, so he started speaking to us in Spanish. It was amazing because I understood him and we weren't even talking about the church. So i mailed my first package speaking in Spanish. 
On Wednesday we had exchanges i was with hermana Miller and sister Graham she is from England (I am going to visit her post mission, I am going to her wedding and she said she would take me to Paris). In the morning we had lunch with this lady who was 102 she was amazing. she could still walk and she had a very good memory. She was one of the sweetest people I have met in my life. She was so happy and thankful for all that she had. It was beautiful. Then we did a service project at the food bank.
Then on Friday we had a lesson with my favorite person in the world Rafael!!!!!!!!
The on Saturday I got the most humbling call of my life from my mission president. He asked me to train a new missionary. She was called to speak English but they are putting her in Spanish for now. So I am training the only new hermana coming in this transfer. So I am going to be a mom!!! ( the missionaries call the trainers moms and the trainees baby) It is so crazy because there are so many other people who have been here longer than me and are way more qualified to be a trainer, but the lord trusts me. It has been a truly humbling experience. I am nervous and I know that I am going to have to rely on God so much this transfer. 
Then on Sunday i spoke In church. Which was good, it is so different speaking In Spanish, but I was very blessed with words to say and the way to say it.
Love you all 

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