Monday, January 28, 2019

Week 2

Week 2 
this week has been really good! i still love being a missionary, it is so much fun. 
i love talking to every one, before i got here i think i was a little shy but now i just talk to everyone i see.
 i know serving a mission is the best choice i could have ever made. i have learned so much. i have learned how to buy food, get up on time and get to places  on time, how to study and work hard, and how to not be shy and how to talk to every person i see. 
not to many crazy things happened this week. we got to teach quite a few good lessons, i can understand so much, it blows my mind because i can understand stuff even when they are not talking about the gospel, i am getting better at responding, but it is so crazy to me that i can understand. the gift of tongues is real. i have see so many miracles in my life since i have been on my mission god has blessed me so much. 

on Wednesday, we taught a lesson to one of our friends and he is reading the book of Mormon and has a lot of questions but he is growing. 
then we taught another lesson to another guy who we met and gave him  a book of Mormon too and we asked him to read the introduction, and when we went back he had read it and he had questions!

on Thursday we had a lesson on the plan of salvation and the commandments with one of our friends who is getting baptized on the 9th. it is so exciting i am so excited! we as missionaries are in charge of planning the baptism, so we plan  who's talking and then we share the message of the restoration at her baptism . 
on Friday we went to the library and did weekly planning its where we plan what we are going to for the week who we are going to teach and what we want to accomplish. i like planing and studying in public places because it gives us more of a opportunity to talk to people. because when we plan and study in our house we cant meet new people. 
i talked my companion in to having lunch at the park, so 1. we can eat in the sun 2. it saves driving time so we have more time in our day and 3. we can meet more people. and it is working we have got to talk to quite a few people we met one lady and we gave her a restoration pamphlet and she said she did not believe in Jesus Christ or anything (she is the first Hispanic person we both have met here that did not have faith in Jesus Christ and wasn't religious, every other person we have met has had faith and goes to church even if they do not know why they at least have faith in a savior). but anyway while her little kid was playing she started reading the pamphlet so that was pretty cool.
also on Friday we got to have a lesson with a guy we just started teaching when i got here, he had 1 lesson before i came here, but he is coming to church without having to invite him, he is reading the book of Mormon, he is so cool, i think we are going to invite him to be baptized our next lesson if we feel like we should. 

Saturday the only way cool thing that happened was we got to eat at a members house this is the 2 time we have eaten at a members house and it was way good food (i am still vegan don't worry). also i can eat pretty spicy food, which is good because a lot of the food is really spicy but i have been able to eat everything and be fine!

then yesterday we went to church and it was so good. it was ward conference so everyone in the stake was there. we also had 3 of our investigators and their families show up and 2 less active families that we visited this week showed up. conference was so good we talked about missionary work, and how we are now preparing for the second coming of Jesus Christ. We talked about how the world is going to be as the time of Noah, before the Lord comes again, and how we need to make sure we are prepared for the time that has been prophesied  for centuries as well as we need to prepare the world for the second coming! 
then we got to go tracting!!!!!
then we went to dinner at a members house and it was way good, they had homemade tortillas and they were amazing i had 3 huge ones they were so good!!!!! 
then we got to go to a fireside that was pretty far so we got to go on a way fun drive!

but being a missionary is the best thing ever i love it so much, i am having so much fun and i am learning so much. its really the best choice i have ever made its so fun!!!

love you all have a great week!!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

I love being a missionary!!!

i love being a missionary so much it is so much fun !!!
so the day i left the ccm was the longest day ever. we flew to LAX where we were supposed to have a 3 hour lay over which then turned into a 9 hour layover. we were supposed to get to Sacramento at 3:00 we didn't get here until 11:45 ish then we did not  get to the mission presidents house until 12:30. we went to bed around 2a.m. but we got to meet at ton of people at the airport, so it was pretty amazing. 
then the next day i met my new companion, she is so nice i love her. her name is heramana cappillo-montes, she was born in peru  and now lives in new jersey but she speaks fluent Spanish so i am learning so much from her. we got to go to the temple and take pictures. After that we went grocery shopping. then we went to the apartment. I am living with 2 other hermanas they are way nice and funny. love them!! then we went tracting ( where missionaries go knock on people’s doors ) it was so much fun .
 I LOVE tracting, its so cool to meet every one, i thought i was going to hate it but it is one of my favorite things to do. 
the next day we woke up worked out, studied then we went tracting again.  1 lady invited us in and we talked to her for a while. then 3 more people invited us back. then we taught a recent convert a lesson.
also it was pouring when we were tracting, and when we got in the car my hair was dripping, but as we were tracting i didn't even feel wet, so the lord is blessing us. and we met a lot of cool people that day that have a ton of potential, also if they speak any thing other then Spanish we pass them to the missionaries who speak that language, so if we meet some and they invite us in we teach them 1 lesson and them pass them on. 
we had a zone kick off where we talked about goals and what we wanted to accomplish in these next 6 weeks. 
okay and also my favorite plants are everywhere at every single house and it is the most wonderful thing. every house has the most perfect succulents, and cactus. they are so pretty and they grow so good here. they are huge and perfect there are also lemon trees and they are the cutest things. i think i am going to buy a bunch of succulents for my room, they are way cheap here. 
also on this day we went to this house and they invited us inside and they had a baby and he came over and was hugging me for the whole time we were teaching and it was the sweetest thing he was about 1 and he was so cute. then we went and taught a lesson to a lady who is getting baptized on the 9th. 

on Friday we taught a lot of lessons, i can understand pretty much everything everyone is saying in spanish but I cant respond very well yet, but i understand. 
we also gave out 2 book of mormons this day tracting . we met a ton of people who were very interested but we had to pass them to the English missionaries.
we went and taught a lesson to a family who hadn't been to church in 6 months, (we invited them to come to church and they came!) i also got to go to a baptism the English missionaries had it was a 12 old girl and her mom got baptized last month it was so cute. 

sundayyyyy, this was the best day i have had here so far. it was so cool.
i got to go to church, we had invited a bunch of people to church and 5 of them came!!!!! 
then we went tracting and we met a man who was so excited to see us, he was ready to be taught but he spoke English so we had to pass him 
then we had lunch , i also made curry this week and that is what i ate like every day. 
 we got to go to this hermana farewell, and teach some of her family who were not members. 
then we got to go tracting!!!
we met so many people who were very interested the lord blessed us so much this night. 
1. we met a lady who spoke spanish and she asked us to come by on tuesday and she was so excited to hear more
2. then we met a man working on his boat and we were nervous to talk to him because we thought he was going to be way rude but he was so nice and asked us to please come back and teach him more. 
3. then their was this huge family outside having a party like 30 people so we were kinda nervous again, they spoke Spanish, but we went up and they got us chairs and made us tacos and gave us drinks and we joined their family party, we both shared our testimony and a small message then we went on our way. 
4. then we met 2 other people they asked for book of Mormons and they wanted to read more one spoke spanish and the other spoke English 

today has been way good we went grocey shopping, then thrift shopping!!!! i got some rings and dresses and sweaters!!! then we went and got frozen yogurt (they had vegan chocolate ice cream!!! so you could say it was the best day ever)  with the hermanas in our apartment  

i hope you guys have an amazing week i love you and miss you all ❤️

January 22 photos

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Made it to Sacramento !!

                       Hermana Emily Johnson with mission President Hymas and Sister Hymas

Text we received :
Hermana Johnson finally arrived in Sacramento tonight. It's been a long day for her but we are grateful to have her here. Thanks for sending her to us.
Love Sister Hymas

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Misc. mtc videos

Mtc photos

I found the baby !!

this week has been such a great week. i have been learning so much and i feel so ready to go out to California. my teachers have been saying my Spanish has been getting way better which is really cool. 
my Spanish when it comes to the gospel is pretty good, but my conversational Spanish sucks. 
there is a holiday that they celebrate here called 3 kings day. and so our teacher brought us this bread that is a tradition here and it has 2 baby Jesus in it and if you cut your piece of bread and it has a baby in it then you are blessed for a year. my piece of bread had the baby in it, they also told me the bread was vegan and that it didnt have milk in it, i dont think it was because i thought i was going to die like an hour later. but it was really cool.
 also my teacher told us that if we found her friend that cames on Tuesday she would buy us dresses from the city if we gave her pesos. so on Tuesday we talked to every new Latino here  and we found him. so i am so excited for that. 

nothing else to great has happened this week it has kinda been like all the other weeks learning and devotionals, 
but today we woke up at 5 and went and played sand volley ball in the dark. it was freezing but it was really fun.

also i have been upholding videos so let me know if you have gotten any.

I leave here at 5 in the morning on monday. 
 My companion and I have the same exact flight, and we are staying the first night together in calif. 
i hope at some point we will get to be companions again. i think that we have a good chance because we work so well together . we would be great together out in cali and i love her it would be so fun ! 
i am sad to be leaving all my friends I have made here but I am so excited to be heading out i cant wait, it is going to be awesome! 

Thursday, January 3, 2019

January 3,2019

 this week has been a great week !
 on saturday we got to teach real people. they we’re inactive members so that was cool. it was kinda hard to understand them but we got to teach 2 really good lessons. 
sunday was a good day! i didn't have to talk in sacrament which was so nice!!!
 we watched some talks from the provo mtc by president russell m nelson and elder rasband. they were both really good talks and i learned so much. 
also on sunday day the sojuer from Haiti left it was so sad.
 before she left she gave me one of her dresses that her mom made and it was the sweetest thing. it was so cute and she kept hugging us and saying i love you over and over. 
we miss her so much our casa is so quite now.
but i learned so much from her, especially about being humble and being thankful for all that i have. she told us a story about how one day before she left for her mission her and her mom went to the store and when they got there they had a feeling that they needed to go home so they went home, they later found out that people went in to the store and shot and killed everyone in the store. she bore her testimony of the church and said how thankful she was for the holy ghost. also one of her teachers told us that we are the first americans to ever be kind to her, she said that before she came here she was really nervous and that when she first met us she was really scared.  but that we made her like americans and we helped her to feel loved so that was so cool. 

i have started to play volleyball now to instead of laying in the sun and it is so much fun ! 
 oh and i also learned how to fold fitted sheets this week. 

i went to the temple today and you need to go!!!!!!!!!!! they have made some huge changes. today at the temple was the best experience i have ever had at the temple. it is amazing !!!
I learned so much. i did most of it in spanish but then it was so different from the other times i got headphones. 
i really recommend you go. 
after the temple we talked and we all think something big is going to be happening soon and that we are being prepared for that time. 

this week over all has been so amazing my testimony has grown so much since i have been here. 
i am learning every single day and i am picking up spanish and it is so much fun. 
Love you all ❤️