Thursday, January 3, 2019

January 3,2019

 this week has been a great week !
 on saturday we got to teach real people. they we’re inactive members so that was cool. it was kinda hard to understand them but we got to teach 2 really good lessons. 
sunday was a good day! i didn't have to talk in sacrament which was so nice!!!
 we watched some talks from the provo mtc by president russell m nelson and elder rasband. they were both really good talks and i learned so much. 
also on sunday day the sojuer from Haiti left it was so sad.
 before she left she gave me one of her dresses that her mom made and it was the sweetest thing. it was so cute and she kept hugging us and saying i love you over and over. 
we miss her so much our casa is so quite now.
but i learned so much from her, especially about being humble and being thankful for all that i have. she told us a story about how one day before she left for her mission her and her mom went to the store and when they got there they had a feeling that they needed to go home so they went home, they later found out that people went in to the store and shot and killed everyone in the store. she bore her testimony of the church and said how thankful she was for the holy ghost. also one of her teachers told us that we are the first americans to ever be kind to her, she said that before she came here she was really nervous and that when she first met us she was really scared.  but that we made her like americans and we helped her to feel loved so that was so cool. 

i have started to play volleyball now to instead of laying in the sun and it is so much fun ! 
 oh and i also learned how to fold fitted sheets this week. 

i went to the temple today and you need to go!!!!!!!!!!! they have made some huge changes. today at the temple was the best experience i have ever had at the temple. it is amazing !!!
I learned so much. i did most of it in spanish but then it was so different from the other times i got headphones. 
i really recommend you go. 
after the temple we talked and we all think something big is going to be happening soon and that we are being prepared for that time. 

this week over all has been so amazing my testimony has grown so much since i have been here. 
i am learning every single day and i am picking up spanish and it is so much fun. 
Love you all ❤️

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