Monday, January 28, 2019

Week 2

Week 2 
this week has been really good! i still love being a missionary, it is so much fun. 
i love talking to every one, before i got here i think i was a little shy but now i just talk to everyone i see.
 i know serving a mission is the best choice i could have ever made. i have learned so much. i have learned how to buy food, get up on time and get to places  on time, how to study and work hard, and how to not be shy and how to talk to every person i see. 
not to many crazy things happened this week. we got to teach quite a few good lessons, i can understand so much, it blows my mind because i can understand stuff even when they are not talking about the gospel, i am getting better at responding, but it is so crazy to me that i can understand. the gift of tongues is real. i have see so many miracles in my life since i have been on my mission god has blessed me so much. 

on Wednesday, we taught a lesson to one of our friends and he is reading the book of Mormon and has a lot of questions but he is growing. 
then we taught another lesson to another guy who we met and gave him  a book of Mormon too and we asked him to read the introduction, and when we went back he had read it and he had questions!

on Thursday we had a lesson on the plan of salvation and the commandments with one of our friends who is getting baptized on the 9th. it is so exciting i am so excited! we as missionaries are in charge of planning the baptism, so we plan  who's talking and then we share the message of the restoration at her baptism . 
on Friday we went to the library and did weekly planning its where we plan what we are going to for the week who we are going to teach and what we want to accomplish. i like planing and studying in public places because it gives us more of a opportunity to talk to people. because when we plan and study in our house we cant meet new people. 
i talked my companion in to having lunch at the park, so 1. we can eat in the sun 2. it saves driving time so we have more time in our day and 3. we can meet more people. and it is working we have got to talk to quite a few people we met one lady and we gave her a restoration pamphlet and she said she did not believe in Jesus Christ or anything (she is the first Hispanic person we both have met here that did not have faith in Jesus Christ and wasn't religious, every other person we have met has had faith and goes to church even if they do not know why they at least have faith in a savior). but anyway while her little kid was playing she started reading the pamphlet so that was pretty cool.
also on Friday we got to have a lesson with a guy we just started teaching when i got here, he had 1 lesson before i came here, but he is coming to church without having to invite him, he is reading the book of Mormon, he is so cool, i think we are going to invite him to be baptized our next lesson if we feel like we should. 

Saturday the only way cool thing that happened was we got to eat at a members house this is the 2 time we have eaten at a members house and it was way good food (i am still vegan don't worry). also i can eat pretty spicy food, which is good because a lot of the food is really spicy but i have been able to eat everything and be fine!

then yesterday we went to church and it was so good. it was ward conference so everyone in the stake was there. we also had 3 of our investigators and their families show up and 2 less active families that we visited this week showed up. conference was so good we talked about missionary work, and how we are now preparing for the second coming of Jesus Christ. We talked about how the world is going to be as the time of Noah, before the Lord comes again, and how we need to make sure we are prepared for the time that has been prophesied  for centuries as well as we need to prepare the world for the second coming! 
then we got to go tracting!!!!!
then we went to dinner at a members house and it was way good, they had homemade tortillas and they were amazing i had 3 huge ones they were so good!!!!! 
then we got to go to a fireside that was pretty far so we got to go on a way fun drive!

but being a missionary is the best thing ever i love it so much, i am having so much fun and i am learning so much. its really the best choice i have ever made its so fun!!!

love you all have a great week!!!

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