Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Another Crazy week

Tuesday we got blessings (Me and hermana Williams, because she has a cold and I have been sick with pneumonia ) so we met the elders at the church and they asked do you have keys to this building and we were like no, so they tried opening the door and they were all locked, so they went to look in their car to see if they have a key, and they didn't. so one of the elders was like pray that this door opens and he pulled on it and it opened! It was insane so we were able to get our blessing. when we left we closed the door and it just locked. It was a crazy miracle and it proved to me that god is aware of each of us and our needs and that he has a desire to help and bless each of us . we just need to have faith in him. 
then that night we had a lesson with Manuel about tithing and he accepted to pay tithing, because he said god has given him all that he has and the money isn't his anyway. then we had a lesson with recent converts adi and Jose (the were the people who were baptized when we had to fill up the font with buckets) we talked to them about the priesthood  and how important it is and he was telling us how he feels like he needs to be more responsible because he has this. then we had a lesson with Elias and we taught him how to pray and he prayed to help all those who are sick and in the hospital and all those who are drugs and are struggling. then he prayed to help those who don't know the truth to be able to find it so we were like he already knows this church is true. 
then on Wednesday we went to visit this referral and he had a gate which was locked so we weren't able to knock on the door. so we deiced to write a note saying we stopped by so we wrote the note and were getting ready to leave and then we deiced to write something about Easter so we started writing that and then he walked out of the house but it was really cool how gods timing worked because if we didn't following the prompting to invite to church Easter Sunday then we wouldn't have got to meet him. then Manuel had his baptismal interview with the elders and we were praying and Hermana Miller paused and we all remembered at the same time that we forgot the paper work. so the elders interviewed him while we drove home to get the paper work which was like a 30 minute trip, and we were like rushing because the elders had more lessons that they had to be at way soon. so instead of freaking out we just had hermana miller tell us the tangled movie because she has the whole thing memorize word for word and you can ask her to start any where and she will just start saying the movie. then we had a lesson with Elias and he told us how he knows this church is true. 
then on Friday we had exchanges so we slept over at our STL house and the went with a sister in the English work for the day. not to much happened, we saved a lizard that got ran over which was way cool. then we had a lesson with this amazing member family. they have be married for 59 years and are just so happy to be alive. and they were telling us they know they are going to die soon so they have started to prepare for their missions on the other side, by reading preach my gospel and the missionary handbook. 
then on Saturday we had a Easter activity at the church that we got to help with we got to hide the eggs it was way cute. then we got to have a temple tour with Manuel and Fabi. they both loved the temple and Manuel was saying one day when he finds his soulmate he wants to get married at the temple. it was way cool. 
then yesterday we had our meeting in the morning and hermano chavez brought us 2 party sized oreos again. 
we had a lot of lesson active people and friends come to church. then we were able to go visit a lot of people. we were able to go to the hospital and visit a member and share a scripture with her. then we went to visit one of our friends and when we were getting out of the car i thought to grab an English book of Mormon but then i was like no its to heavy and we are just going to see him and then going to another person house. but then i thought again to just grab one so i got one and we were walking to this house and this guy stopped us and said he used to live in salt lake and that he wanted to learn more and he wanted a book of Mormon so we ended up giving him that English book of Mormon. 
then had dinner with a couple, the wife is active but the husband hasn't been to church in 2 years because he was offended. we were so bold in the lesson it was crazy i felt promoted to say so many things and the word that i need to say in Spanish came to me. it was a really amazing experience. a lot of the thing i felt prompted to say and had the words come to my mind i was like i do not want to say that he is going to get way mad, but he didn't and we shared with him what he needed and the message god needed him to hear. the we had a lesson with fabi and the had non member over at there house we ended up teaching 11 people it was crazy! 
One thing i read recently was this and i want to invite each of you to do this for the next 40 days 
"Easter honors the events of Gethsemane, what transpired on the cross, the Savior rising from the dead on the third day, and then His ministering for 40 days before ascending to heaven.
Additionally, not long after ascending to heaven, Jesus Christ appeared to the Nephites and ministered to them (see 3 Nephi 11–28). That’s a lot to celebrate!
Why not expand your Easter season? Let your soul delight longer in the miracles of Easter. Make a conscious effort to be more Christlike during the 40 days after Easter. For inspiration, consider the following invitation from President Russell M. Nelson: “Consecrate a portion of your time each week to studying everything Jesus said and did as recorded in the Old Testament, for He is the Jehovah of the Old Testament. Study His laws as recorded in the New Testament, for He is its Christ. Study His doctrine as recorded in the Book of Mormon, for there is no book of scripture in which His mission and His ministry are more clearly revealed. And study His words as recorded in the Doctrine and Covenants, for He continues to teach His people in this dispensation.”
i hope you all had a good week and a good Easter i love you

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