Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Crazzzzzyyyyy weeekkkkkk!!!!!

Tuesday was the first day of the transfer. I am now companions with Hermana Miller and Williams. 
so in the morning our branch president called us and asked so who is teaching Fernando?  and we were like no one is.
he is going back to chile in a few days. and then he said  well he is getting baptized on Tuesday so you need to teach him everything.
and we were like what??? 
so anyway we went to his house that day taught him everything made sure he understood everything and asked him about his testimony. and got him ready to be baptized that Thursday. so that was pretty much our whole day on Tuesday. 
on Wednesday we made the baptismal program figured out who was talking and made all the plans for the baptism.
 then we had a lesson with Maria a lady the other Hermana's have been teaching for a while. her life has been so crazy, i have had a few lesson with her before this so she knows all of us and she was telling us about her life in this lesson, and how now her life is so much better since she has started coming to church, and learning more about Jesus Christ. then she sang us a song that she learned about Jesus being our refuge. it was such a sweet moment.
then that night I went to a lesson with Manuel and with a return missionary hermana Allen. we taught him about the word of wisdom. At first he had a hard time understanding and then we were like god created out bodies and he knows what is best for them and he was like yeahhh and he said  like if we need to smoke our bodies would have chimneys, it was so funny but he's not wrong. it was such a good lesson with him. and he said that he will live the word of wisdom not for him but because he loves god and he wants to make him happy. then we went to the church for Fernando interview for baptism. everything went good and he was way excited to be baptize the next day. 
then on Thursday we had zone kickoff where we met everyone in our zone and set goals for the transfer.. then we went to set up for Fernando's baptism. we filled the font and planned for our missionary moment and the baptism only started 10 minutes late which is like a record for our branch. we had 5 of our friends come to the baptism, Fabi, Manuel and his mom Maria, Macro and Elias. it was way good. I sat by Fabi and i told her that i liked this bracelet that she was wearing and she took it off and put it on my arm, it melted my heart it was so sweet. Fernando had to get dunked 5 times because something kept coming out of the water. then we had our missionary moment it went really good. then we got to talk to all our friends that came to the baptism macro and Elias were like we like that you don't baptize babies in this church and that you have to be older to be baptized and we were way excited that they said that. 
Then Friday morning we got up at 5 to go teach seminary.we helped the students plan a missionary lesson to teach, it was really fun. that day to i started coughing up blood i have been sick for like 3 weeks so i was like i probably need to go to the doctors. so i went and he had me to this breathing test and he was like you have 75% lung function. then i had to get blood taken and a x-ray and i only have pneumonia which i was way happy about because its not contagious so i can still go out and do stuff. then that night we had a lesson with Manuel and the perez family it was so good and Manuel is so excited for his baptism. then we went tracting for a while and made some new friends.
then on Saturday our branch had a relief society commemoration thing. and maria came and she was so happy to be there. and she was thanking us for being her babies (she calls us her little babies) and she was like i don't want to cry but i am just so happy. then we had a lesson with manuel about the commandments, it went way good. i am so excited for his baptism, he is so funny, he is like our best friend. then we had a lesson with marco and elias and they said they like what they have been learning at general conference and they want to keep learning more. then we had a lesson with Fabi and her family about the commandments, the spirit was so strong and she was telling us how ready and excited she is for her baptism. 
then on Sunday we had a meeting at 7;30 and hermano chavez our favorite person in the whole world brought us 2 party size pack of Oreo. we also had 4 friends at church Fabi. Manuel, marco and Elias. then that night we went to a baptism of a person granddaughter in our branch. then we went to visit people. 
but yeah that was our week it was crazy but so good 
love you and miss you all

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