Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Best day ever

Subject: April 27 the best day of my life

this week has been a crazy week!
 so many amazing things happened this week .

on Tuesday I went on exchanges with Hermana Williams so I was the senior companion and I had to help her. I was also the one who knew Spanish the best so I had to do all the talking. but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It was kinda cool actually because I realized that I know more Spanish than I think I know. 
then on Wednesday we went tracting for most of the day. Nothing to exciting happened. but as the night was ending their was this guy outside and he was like sisters how are you. so we walked up and talked to him, he was from the Tonga islands he served his mission in the pacific islands and he knows Tongan, Samoan and English.  and before were leaving he gave us each 20 dollars and we were like no it okay, and he said no I know what its like to be a missionary you need this and he like made us take it. then he said if you ever need anything come here and we will help you. we are your family. he said come here when ever you are hungry and we will make you food. he was the sweetest person ever.
Then on Thursday we had a lesson with Manuel my best friend ( he is the man in the photos holding a plate of food ) the lesson was way good. he was said that everything we are teaching him makes so much sense and that he likes what he is learning. then that night we had a lesson with Fabi! and we asked her to be baptized! and she said yes! everyone was crying. so background on her, she is from mexico and she is here now living with a family that are members in the branch we are serving in. anyway the family was saying how they have been praying for years that other members of their family would accept the Gospel and now their prayer has been answered. she is getting baptized on April 27.
then on Friday we had another lesson with Manuel, and we asked him to be baptized to!!!! and he said yes!!! he said that he has actually been thinking that he wanted to be baptized. he is way excited !!!thennnnn that night we were on our way to a lesson, and we ran into Ricardo, the cute lil man that we got snow cones from one day and we gave the picture of Jesus to. He was way far away from the place we first met him, so it was way crazy that we saw him, but he still has the picture of Jesus hanging up in his cart, and he is doing so good. 
then on Saturday we went to a lesson with angel, he is the one who saw the Book of Mormon in my hand and said how much does it cost I want one. anyway we went to his house and we met his wife and she is the sweetest thing, she let us right in and we talked to her all about the book of Mormon, and angel is reading it !! then angel came home and we got to talk to both of them about how great the book of Mormon is. they are excited to keep learning more. 
then this night was the baptism of adi and jose . friends of the other hermanas, me and hermana cappillo-montes have both got to teach them a few times. so it takes 2 hours to fill up the baptismal font, and we forgot to tell the Hermana that.  so we get there at 6;30 and the baptism starts at 7 and the water is not even to the first step, so we literally had to fill the font. we got buckets and filled the font and it was a miracle because we filled the font by 7. because we prayed and god helped us. We were so happy !manuel and fabi and another friend jose all came to the baptism and they loved it. manuel and fabi are both excited to be baptized the are both getting baptized on april 27 so get ready for that day! 
have a good week love you 

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