Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Living the Stockton life

on Wednesday we got to go to to the soup kitchen. it was really fun, we got to meet a lot of really sweet people. then that night we walked to the church and went to choir... yeah we are in a choir?  so we went and sang with 2 other members? then we stayed at the church for a while and made cookies with all the girls. then we stared walking home, we had only walked like 1/2 a mile when a member drove by us and asked if she could give us a ride home, it was a big tender mercy. 
then on Thursday we had a meeting in the morning they told us about a new goal we have as a mission and that is to have a 110 baptisms before October. they asked us to ask each of our families to begin to pray that we as a mission will be able to find families to teach and families that are ready to learn more about this message. soooo if you all could start [praying for us a mission that would be so good. i know that god answers prayers that is something that has been proven to me time and time again here on my mission. 
one of the sister we live with hit her 1 year so we all went out to eat to the best place in our area... Japanese fast food. 
the garbage can said gracias , that pretty much sums up our experience at that restaurant. 
we had the funnest night ever on Thursday, we went to this house and it was like ‪10000000000‬ degrees out side! so we went up to the door, and we talked to the mom for a sec then she had to go answer the phone. we then see her little kid jr smiling around the corner, when his mom went inside he ran up to us and and started spraying us with his water gun, he was having the time of his life he thought it was so funny. then when we were walking away he ran up in front of us and hid behind a car and started spraying us again, we then get in the car to leave and he opens the door and starts spraying the car. it was so funny and it made him so happy. it was also the hugest tender mercy because it was so hot. 
on our way home that night we saw this man he is always outside standing on the street balancing things on his head that night he was balancing a recycling bin, and he was holding up a sign that said "i will literally not drop this on any cars" it was my best moment. 
on Friday for weekly planning we went to jamba juice to make it more fun, we met one of my best friends in the whole world she was so cool, we both had wave rings on, she was from Florida, she loves the beach more than anything, we seriously became best friends, before she left i felt like i should give her one of my necklaces i was wearing and so i did and i have never seen anyone so happy in my life, the spirit is so good!
on saturday we had a temple tour with a little boy named manny he is 10 years old and he is getting baptized ‪on august 3‬, we invited him to be baptized last sunday ( i forgot to write about that). but anyway we were able to go to the temple with him an his family and he loooooovvvveeeedddd it so much he had so many questions and just soaked up everything,he is so excited to be baptized. 
life is really good, its way safe here, and everyone is so nice! were are having so much fun

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