Wednesday, July 10, 2019

My happiest place on earth

Monday last week! My last night in my happiest place on earth.
First off we had the best pday ever it was so much fun.
Then that night, we had no idea where to go so we just prayed we went out and started walking we walked for about 45 mins and that's when the night started, we saw this homeless lady sitting on the bench we asked her if we could sit by her and talk for a minute, she was the sweetest lady ever, we talked to her for about 10 minutes just about how good God is, then another homeless lady walks by (dandy) and cynthia was like hey sit down and listen to them they will teach you about God. So we just sat on the bench for like 30 minutes with the kindest humans teaching them about God! About how good he his and how they can change their lives through him.
We left that bench and went on our way we walked for a while than we passed a man we were like hey how are you, then we asked what do you need, he was like I need a good day tomorrow, with that "what do you need" it's a questions I only ask to certain people, people who want to change who want happiness, some people just want money or fame. But some they want happiness something that we can promise them. So we handed him the book of mormon and told him read this and we promise you God will give you the best day of your life.
Then driving home me and my best friend just listened to music and sang so loud as we looked at the most beautiful sunset in the world. God is good. He wants us to be happy. My favorite thing has been promising people blessings,because I know they will happen especially if they read the book of mormon.
The next day we transfers .
My new area Stockton is SO nice. Its not scary, we have had a few times where we knew we needed to leave where we were but nothing bad has happened at all.
On Wednesday’s  we get to volunteer at a soup kitchen. It's in downtown Stockton and the whole city is just tents, shopping carts full of things its unlike anything you have ever seen it's just a community of homeless people it so crazy. On Wednesday we met so many people it was so fun.  I think that its going to be one of the highlights of my week. Life is good, God is good and he loves you. Have a good week!!!
Hermana Johnson

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