Wednesday, July 24, 2019

This week has been a good one !

this week has been a good one!

we got to go to st marys (soup kitchen)  this week which is my favorite place in the entire world.  usually we just put the food on the plates and we only get to say like hi and have a good day to the people. but this time we got to serve the food, we got to take the food out to the people and talk to everyone! it was so much fun i got to meet so many cool people and make so many friends it was the happiest thing in the whole world. i am starting to learn peoples names and they know us now and it is just the best thing ever, and i got to learn about people stories it was just the funnest!
this week we have been a lil sick and it has been a miracle we have been able to teach anyone anything, god is so good and he really blessed us this week with his spirit. We had a lesson on Sunday, and i experienced the gift of tongues... but with English, my brain wasn't really working and we were talking and i felt like i had to say something but i didn't really know what and i just started talking and words just kept coming and it was way cool that i was able to even say anything. especially considering that the day before we were in the middle of a lesson and i was talking and then i couldn't remember at all what i was saying or what part we were talking about. 
Hopefully we will all get feeling better soon. 
but it has honestly been such a cool experience because we have realized how little we can do by ourselves and so much we can do with gods help. this week we have truly been able to see gods hand in this work and see how this is truly his work not ours . 
loooovvvvveeee you have a good week

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