Wednesday, July 31, 2019

We are all sick 😷

this week we have been sick all week, we weren't allowed to go out and work 1 day because we had fevers, but it ended up being kind of fun because our whole apartment was sick. but we are all better now and we get to go back to work!

we finished teaching manny everything this week, his baptism is going to be on Saturday, we are so excited. he is the cutest lil kid and he is so excited to be baptized. every time we come over he is so happy to see us and it is the cutest thing. he always comes up to us and goes "hi missionaries" 
we also had zone conference this week which was really cool and i learned so much from it. one thing as a mission we are doing is each transfer we are focusing on learning about 1 Christ like attribute this transfer we are focusing on faith in Jesus Christ. We talked a lot about faith in zone conference which was really cool. 
our most embarrassing moment :/ so we had to sing at zone conference because
 1. all the sisters in the zone wanted to 2. my companion wanted to and 3. no one else wanted to. so we sang a song as a group of six. so to make the song more interesting each companionship sang a line a lil mini solo...fuuunnn. so me and my companion were first. so the piano start and its our time to shine and she messes up, so me and my companion both got confused and we were like are we starting orrrr... then my companion started  singing and then i didn't then i did and she didn't then we both started laughing and weren't able to stop. so that was are moment in the spotlight this weeekkk 

one of our biggest miracles form this week:
So this person in the mtc i met emailed me last week and was like there is a family that is in my ward here and his parents are less active and they live in Stockton, if you have time you should go and try to visit them. so we looked them up and see that they had moved. So we were like that's to bad and kinda forgot about them. fast forward to yesterday all our plans feel though. Best day because when ever plans fall through we know Instantly that it's going to be the best day ever! So we were going to visit a friend and I saw that we were by the house of a member and I was like we could visit them after, then i realized that it was the dot of the family that i was sent. We felt prompted that we should go there. 
So we go to her house, and we are praying in the car. Background: as a mission we are focusing on finding families. So in the prayer my companion is like please help us be able to find a family. Then she was like thank you for all the miracles you have given us and we know that you will bless us with so many more miracles. and the whole time I was praying that we would have a huge miracle at this house. So right when she said that I knew we were going to have the biggest miracle. So we go to up to the house. 
And this lady answers. And she was so excited like so excited to see us! She was like can you please come back on Thursday, she set a return appointment up with us. And before we left she was like one second and she went back to talk to her sons and was like the missionaries are here!! And she came back and was like we can't wait for you to come back! The coolest thing ever is the whole family speaks Spanish!

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